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WESTPAPUA.NET - Transcript of a Demonstrative Speech

WESTPAPUA.NET - Transcript of a Demonstrative Speech
Source: Yahoo! Voices

Good morning, what I will be speaking about today is “How to form your own independent nation.” This is definitely not the most useful topic to use in everyday life, or the most plausible. But why I chose this topic is because it can give insight as to how nations are formed, and it is nonetheless interesting.

I’m sure that all of you have at least heard of the show, “Family Guy,” and probably have seen it also. In the episode, “E Peterbus Unum,” when Peter tries to get a permit to build a swimming pool in his backyard; he finds out that his lot is actually not part of Quahog or the U.S., so he forms his own country of Petoria. When Peter gets no respect from the U.N., he decides to invade his neighbor, Joe’s pool, declaring it the “Petorian Province of Johio,” which brings the U.S. Army to his border. The Griffins can only survive so long with no water, electricity, heat, or access to the United States, and finally, Lois and the kids leave President Peter to his third-world country. Peter finally rejoins the union only a week after seceding.

Out of the many things that Peter Griffin did, many of them were not the wisest approach to forming his own nation. First, he was claiming land that the United States had both a strong claim to, and a reason to want it being that it is in the middle of the country. Obviously, though, you can’t be too critical because it is a cartoon and is just supposed to be funny.

So now let’s get on to the topic. To form your own nation, you probably want the land that you will be using to be in dispute, not yet discovered, or land that has recently come into existence, (like the easternmost island in Hawaii for example) unlike President Griffin. You also want to either study international law very thoroughly or get a very good lawyer with experience in international law. Another thing that you will need is to be able to do is to speak well, because you will have to make a lot of people see things your way. The last few things that you will need to form your country are a good constitution and lots of money.
Once you have found the land which you will attempt to declare independent, if you are buying the land from a country, then you should definitely not tell them about your plans to declare independence. If you are claiming land, then you want to find land that basically no one else wants and stay there a while before claiming it so you have a legitimate claim. The more someone else wants the land, the more problems you run into, both while forming your nation, and as a nation.

The next step is to actually declare independence. Peter Griffin declared independence right on the spot when he found out that his land was unclaimed. This wasn’t very smart for many reasons, the most obvious being that he did not consider that the United States would have a strong interest in it because it was in the middle of the United States. Before you do declare independence, you want to be very secretive about your plans to declare independence. I personally think that buying land would be the most effective way, although discovering your own could be more fun. Either way, the land you want to buy should be relatively small, preferably an island, not rich in natural resources, and no one else should really want it. If you are buying land from another country, your best bet will be to buy from an economically struggling nation or a third-world country. Also, if you are buying from another country, you want to make a lot of friends in the capital because you will have to deal with them many times. Between this and talking to the citizens of the land you own, that is where your ability to speak well comes in. A lot of that is natural and the rest I will leave to this class.

Assuming that the declaring of independence went as smoothly as possible, (which probably isn’t very smooth) the next step is to implement your from of government including: the constitution, laws, and governing positions, (remember, you don’t want to appoint yourself for life because that is one of the best ways to get the United Nations very angry at you). Also, since the country that you just left probably won’t like you very much unless you became great friends, they would probably invade. If they were great friends, then they probably just wouldn’t be your friends anymore. Anyway because of that you probably want to make friends with a powerful nation that preferably doesn’t like the nation that doesn’t like you. Another thing that you want to make sure to do is to appoint ambassadors to the United States, Russia, Great Britain, and other countries that could hurt you. The ambassadors you choose can be people with political backgrounds who also represent your nation, or they can just be people that you want out of your country. Next, make some national items (anthem, flag, bird, motto, flower, etc.) and maybe some products or novelties specific to your nation, such a homegrown beer and some flags. After doing all this you need to listen to what the population wants, maybe listen to a speech about being a good president while you’re at it.
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