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AMP International Yogyakarta Refuse “New York

Photos News: AMP International Yogyakarta Refuse “New York

YOGYAKARTA – AMP International protest on 15 August, 2014 remembering DAY of  BETRAYAL for people of West Papua by America, Netherlands, and Indonesia made agreement is called “New York Agreement 1962 without any West Papuan. AMP International base in Yogyakarta, Indonesia reject and refuse the “New York Agreement 1962”, because It was under heavy surveillance from Indonesian intelligence and police, who regularly abduct and torture West Papuan activists, people defiantly protested to reject the New York agreement. 

"Rejection of the false situation PROMISE known New York Agreement August 15, 1962 by Papuan Students Alliance, in Yogyakarta, Central Java, on behalf of the entire Papuan Students from Sorong - Merauke, at who was studying in Overseas, in Europe, Australia, the Pacific, and the people of West Papua, New York agreement made in favor for the sake of Economic Interests, Political, and Security by America, Indonesia and The Netherlands”.
The New York Agreement was a secret agreement in 1962 between the Netherlands, the USA and Indonesia to give West Papuan people and their land to the Indonesian military, who, in return, would administer the world’s biggest reserves of gold. There is no one West Papuan was ever involved in the "deal". "We were traded like animals”. 
Under international law it was illegal for one colonial master to trade people to another colonial master. So a fake act of self-determination was arranged for West Papuans in August 1969, it was decided that all West Papuans would unanimously choose to give up their land and freedom to the Indonesian military. The Indonesian military were chosen to supervise the act of self-determination. They claim that West Papuans unanimously chose to join Indonesia because gun point. However, West Papua never part of Indonesia and we will fight until Indonesia get out of West Papua.

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